Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Video Games: Are they really dangerous?

It has been spoken much about which the video games which they contain much violence; urge the children that plays them, to act of more violent way, and to undergo an indifference towards the violent conducts.
All we have noticed that in the series of television, the news, the cinema, and practically in all means of massive information, have been increased the content of violence, and to many spectators, between more violence it exists in the film, article or series of television, seems to them that more "exciting" or "is amused".
Then we cannot generalize that the video juice is the causes by single himself of aggressive conducts, in addition must be present the deficiency of a bond or to exist a deficient bond with the other people, so that the boy cannot distinguish between the models that suggest the video games to him and the models of conduct that are due to follow in the human relations.
In the measurement that the video games that urge the violent conduct player do not appear clearly as a fantasy and does not delimit the line that divides the fiction of the reality; it is possible to be caused a greater confusion in the minors who play them, and to be caused violent conducts.

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