Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The children of Ecuador

One of mayor’s problems of Ecuador is the lack of attention of the government to the children of the streets, these children as much suffer the physic abuse as psychological of their parents but too the excessive abuse of police agents without anybody can do nothing, this is in front of everybody. Promises with alternatives and tools exist to help these children, but all these promises single have stayed in the air and as broken promises.

Environmental Contaminants

At the present time our world this undergoing many changes thanks to the action of the man; changes that somehow or another one unbalance the normality of the same one, and of course our life and in our hands this to stop contamination environmental with some measures like the following ones: not to burn nor to destroy plants, to control the fertilizer, not to hurl sweepings in unsuitable places, to regulate the service of urban cleanliness to create citizen conscience, to create routes of water-drainages for the industries that arrive at the seas neither rivers used for the service or consumption of the man nor animals, and to control the accidental petroleum spillings

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Passion by Soccer

The passion by soccer, a global event, is watched in the television and a quantified number pending of the radio, not having hoped whistle initial, to shout the plays that conclude in goal - sensation of happiness, satisfaction or to lament itself of which the ball happened closely together of the frame. The emotion of each person will be overflowed supporting to an equipment, giving instructions of the game, and making tactical modifications for the friends and friends, in its better house and if it is in a bar. To soccer the King of the sports denominates itself to him, is a business where the player, operates his physical conditioning and psychological. It can be sold, be interchanged, be placed it transferable or be rejected.

Fourth Anniversary of the War in Iraq

Today 19 March, 2007 are fulfilled 4 years military in Iraq. Cars pump explode diary in Bagdad. Death squads roam the streets and the kidnappings do not have brake. Product of the violence are the numbers of the dead children since the American forces invaded Iraq in March of the 2003 and overthrew to Saddam Hussein, and every more evident day the tragedy than the Iraqian town lives: more than 60,000 died civil, almost four million people turned refugees, and one incalculable number of wounded.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Blood Diamonds

After to saw the movie "Blood Diamonds" I am impressed on the subject, since to date they are still a reality.
The "Blood Diamonds" are diamonds of zones in conflict whose illegal commerce shows the abuses against the human rights. Lately conflicts have financed in Africa that have caused the death and the displacement of million people. During these conflicts, the benefits of the illegal diamond commerce that ascended to thousands of million dollars served to the military and the rebellious groups to buy arms.It is task of the governments and the industry of diamonds of guaranteeing that they do not arrive at consuming diamonds coming from zones in conflict.
If you want to know much but on this subject, press the following Link: "Conflict Diamonds"

Pork Sausage Broth

Ecuador has delicious, abundant and varied gastronomical culture. An authentic and mixed food.

I invite to them to prove the famous sausage broth, a soup with the guts of the pig, where they emphasize stuffed black sausages of rice and spices, type blood sausage, accompanied by pieces of banana. One of best Ecuadorian plates.