Thursday, April 26, 2007

The security in the Airports.“The discomforts of the passengers”

The passengers have to support the manual control on the part of the employees of the airports, when their systems do not work correctly. . These norms affect any flight, independently of the destiny and the company that operates it. It is necessary that the passengers happen through that class of discomforts?
The future of the security it is directed towards systems that contemplate the identification of the people by means of the rainbow, when comparing it with a pattern of the user kept previously, the voice and the form of the hand. Even, does not discard to analyze the corporal language of the passengers. In which the representatives agree of all the airports are in the necessity that these new systems are used with the consent of the user, of obligatory form, and that the final destiny of the collected data takes shape.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Keys for the perfect presentacion

In the article "How to Wow ' Em Like Steve Jobs" by Carmine Rooster, she shows the differences way to present or sell the products by Apple Computer, and Steve Jobs is the responsible person to transmit not only the products but also the all benefits.
The author shows the five keys that uses Jobs for a perfect presentation. The first key is "sell the benefit" to sell the external product but also to inform to the listener or possible buyers the advantages to acquire the product. The second key: it is to prepare him with enough anticipation on the information that is going away it to give the listeners. The third key is to maintain the approach visual with the audience so was obtained that I public approach in the presentation of Power Point that can be prepared but that really listens to with attention the words of the person who presents/displays the product. The fourth key is to have much enthusiasm, passion and energy at the moment of the presentation so that the audience feels those positive vibrations and were much but kind to which this saying of the product and the villa and completes key is that at the end of the presentation always a added value occurs him to the product.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Honesty is the clear conscience "before me and the others". Honesty is the recognition of which it is well and he is appropriate for our own paper, conduct and relations. With honesty, there is neither hypocrisy nor no artificiality that creates confusion and distrust in the minds and the lives of the others. The honesty leads to an integrity life, because our interior and outside the one of the other is reflected. Honesty is to speak of which it thinks and to do what it has been said. There are neither contradictions nor no discrepancies between the thoughts, words or actions. This integration provides clarity and example to the others. To be inner of a form and externally of another one, creates barriers and can cause damage, because we could never be near the others nor the others will want to be close ours. Some think: "I am honest, but nobody includes/understands to me". This is not to be honest. The honesty is so clearly perceivable as a diamond without defects that never can remain hidden. Its value is visible in each action that we made.

What is love?

It is a question that we can often be done and in the most of occasions there is no answer for a so complicated question: What is love?.
I believe that the answer it is inside each one, since each person has the idea of love, simply must look for in its interior that answers.
Therefore to arrive at the answer to the question What is love?. The only that we must do is to watch in our interior and to find what is the love and what represents this for us
When two centers are then is love. And the love is like a chemical phenomenon. As if oxygen and hydrogen are, they allow entering them are united, forms something new: water, has been created water... But if they do not enter one the other, if they are not united, you can have all hydrogen of the world, all oxygen, and are thirsty... As anything they will serve to you, the thirst will not go away to you.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Video Games: Are they really dangerous?

It has been spoken much about which the video games which they contain much violence; urge the children that plays them, to act of more violent way, and to undergo an indifference towards the violent conducts.
All we have noticed that in the series of television, the news, the cinema, and practically in all means of massive information, have been increased the content of violence, and to many spectators, between more violence it exists in the film, article or series of television, seems to them that more "exciting" or "is amused".
Then we cannot generalize that the video juice is the causes by single himself of aggressive conducts, in addition must be present the deficiency of a bond or to exist a deficient bond with the other people, so that the boy cannot distinguish between the models that suggest the video games to him and the models of conduct that are due to follow in the human relations.
In the measurement that the video games that urge the violent conduct player do not appear clearly as a fantasy and does not delimit the line that divides the fiction of the reality; it is possible to be caused a greater confusion in the minors who play them, and to be caused violent conducts.

The Obesity

Most important to have a normal weight it is not to shine of certain way, but to feel and to stay healthful well. To have too much corporal fat is harmful for the body of many ways.

The good news is that it never is late for modifying the nutritional habits and of exercise to control the weight, and those changes do not have why to be as great as probably you create. Therefore, if you or somebody that you know he is obese or it is exceeded weight, this article offers to information and advice you to face the problem adopting a style of more healthful life.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The War in Iraq: Is necessary the presence of more soldiers?

Exactly four years passed since begin the War in Iraq; and the editorials, opinions and letters published in the New York Time are trying to persuade the readers on if decision of President George W. Bush to send more U.S. Troops to the war it is not the best one. Some writers argue about supporting or opposing the send more troops to Iraq and use rhetorical analyzing in their arguments; Meg Hillert at the letter “On the 4th Anniversary of the war” said: “When will we stop wasting billions on a lost cause?” and Donald Lambro in The Washington Times in the article “Americans support war in Iraq 2-to-1, poll finds” supposed “Americans believe 2-to-1 that going to war in Iraq was the right decision”; and most of these authors seeking to influence to the readers creating any number of emotions and values and try to transmit “what is really happen between the Congress and the President of U.S.” with respect to the war of Iraq and to send more American troops to Iraq using powerful words.

Ecuadorian Food

The Ecuadorian traditional food allows us to taste a great variety of exquisite plates, prepared with seafood, meats and vegetables, combined with sauces that heighten their flavor and delight until paladares more demanding. Like for example:

  • Ecuadorian Marinated Shrimp

  • Llapingachos

Monday, April 2, 2007

The retirement of the troops in Iraq

In a voting from 50 to 48, the last Tuesday, the Senate of the United States approved a measurement that ties the bottoms for the war in Iraq to cronograms for the retirement of the American troops for March of 2008.
In spite of the protests and the increasing opposition of the Americans to the war, Bush threatened vetoing the budget of emergency for Iraq and Afghanistan if this it includes measures to force a withdrawal of forces or domestic expenses not related to the war.