Thursday, April 26, 2007

The security in the Airports.“The discomforts of the passengers”

The passengers have to support the manual control on the part of the employees of the airports, when their systems do not work correctly. . These norms affect any flight, independently of the destiny and the company that operates it. It is necessary that the passengers happen through that class of discomforts?
The future of the security it is directed towards systems that contemplate the identification of the people by means of the rainbow, when comparing it with a pattern of the user kept previously, the voice and the form of the hand. Even, does not discard to analyze the corporal language of the passengers. In which the representatives agree of all the airports are in the necessity that these new systems are used with the consent of the user, of obligatory form, and that the final destiny of the collected data takes shape.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Keys for the perfect presentacion

In the article "How to Wow ' Em Like Steve Jobs" by Carmine Rooster, she shows the differences way to present or sell the products by Apple Computer, and Steve Jobs is the responsible person to transmit not only the products but also the all benefits.
The author shows the five keys that uses Jobs for a perfect presentation. The first key is "sell the benefit" to sell the external product but also to inform to the listener or possible buyers the advantages to acquire the product. The second key: it is to prepare him with enough anticipation on the information that is going away it to give the listeners. The third key is to maintain the approach visual with the audience so was obtained that I public approach in the presentation of Power Point that can be prepared but that really listens to with attention the words of the person who presents/displays the product. The fourth key is to have much enthusiasm, passion and energy at the moment of the presentation so that the audience feels those positive vibrations and were much but kind to which this saying of the product and the villa and completes key is that at the end of the presentation always a added value occurs him to the product.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Honesty is the clear conscience "before me and the others". Honesty is the recognition of which it is well and he is appropriate for our own paper, conduct and relations. With honesty, there is neither hypocrisy nor no artificiality that creates confusion and distrust in the minds and the lives of the others. The honesty leads to an integrity life, because our interior and outside the one of the other is reflected. Honesty is to speak of which it thinks and to do what it has been said. There are neither contradictions nor no discrepancies between the thoughts, words or actions. This integration provides clarity and example to the others. To be inner of a form and externally of another one, creates barriers and can cause damage, because we could never be near the others nor the others will want to be close ours. Some think: "I am honest, but nobody includes/understands to me". This is not to be honest. The honesty is so clearly perceivable as a diamond without defects that never can remain hidden. Its value is visible in each action that we made.

What is love?

It is a question that we can often be done and in the most of occasions there is no answer for a so complicated question: What is love?.
I believe that the answer it is inside each one, since each person has the idea of love, simply must look for in its interior that answers.
Therefore to arrive at the answer to the question What is love?. The only that we must do is to watch in our interior and to find what is the love and what represents this for us
When two centers are then is love. And the love is like a chemical phenomenon. As if oxygen and hydrogen are, they allow entering them are united, forms something new: water, has been created water... But if they do not enter one the other, if they are not united, you can have all hydrogen of the world, all oxygen, and are thirsty... As anything they will serve to you, the thirst will not go away to you.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Video Games: Are they really dangerous?

It has been spoken much about which the video games which they contain much violence; urge the children that plays them, to act of more violent way, and to undergo an indifference towards the violent conducts.
All we have noticed that in the series of television, the news, the cinema, and practically in all means of massive information, have been increased the content of violence, and to many spectators, between more violence it exists in the film, article or series of television, seems to them that more "exciting" or "is amused".
Then we cannot generalize that the video juice is the causes by single himself of aggressive conducts, in addition must be present the deficiency of a bond or to exist a deficient bond with the other people, so that the boy cannot distinguish between the models that suggest the video games to him and the models of conduct that are due to follow in the human relations.
In the measurement that the video games that urge the violent conduct player do not appear clearly as a fantasy and does not delimit the line that divides the fiction of the reality; it is possible to be caused a greater confusion in the minors who play them, and to be caused violent conducts.

The Obesity

Most important to have a normal weight it is not to shine of certain way, but to feel and to stay healthful well. To have too much corporal fat is harmful for the body of many ways.

The good news is that it never is late for modifying the nutritional habits and of exercise to control the weight, and those changes do not have why to be as great as probably you create. Therefore, if you or somebody that you know he is obese or it is exceeded weight, this article offers to information and advice you to face the problem adopting a style of more healthful life.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The War in Iraq: Is necessary the presence of more soldiers?

Exactly four years passed since begin the War in Iraq; and the editorials, opinions and letters published in the New York Time are trying to persuade the readers on if decision of President George W. Bush to send more U.S. Troops to the war it is not the best one. Some writers argue about supporting or opposing the send more troops to Iraq and use rhetorical analyzing in their arguments; Meg Hillert at the letter “On the 4th Anniversary of the war” said: “When will we stop wasting billions on a lost cause?” and Donald Lambro in The Washington Times in the article “Americans support war in Iraq 2-to-1, poll finds” supposed “Americans believe 2-to-1 that going to war in Iraq was the right decision”; and most of these authors seeking to influence to the readers creating any number of emotions and values and try to transmit “what is really happen between the Congress and the President of U.S.” with respect to the war of Iraq and to send more American troops to Iraq using powerful words.

Ecuadorian Food

The Ecuadorian traditional food allows us to taste a great variety of exquisite plates, prepared with seafood, meats and vegetables, combined with sauces that heighten their flavor and delight until paladares more demanding. Like for example:

  • Ecuadorian Marinated Shrimp

  • Llapingachos

Monday, April 2, 2007

The retirement of the troops in Iraq

In a voting from 50 to 48, the last Tuesday, the Senate of the United States approved a measurement that ties the bottoms for the war in Iraq to cronograms for the retirement of the American troops for March of 2008.
In spite of the protests and the increasing opposition of the Americans to the war, Bush threatened vetoing the budget of emergency for Iraq and Afghanistan if this it includes measures to force a withdrawal of forces or domestic expenses not related to the war.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The children of Ecuador

One of mayor’s problems of Ecuador is the lack of attention of the government to the children of the streets, these children as much suffer the physic abuse as psychological of their parents but too the excessive abuse of police agents without anybody can do nothing, this is in front of everybody. Promises with alternatives and tools exist to help these children, but all these promises single have stayed in the air and as broken promises.

Environmental Contaminants

At the present time our world this undergoing many changes thanks to the action of the man; changes that somehow or another one unbalance the normality of the same one, and of course our life and in our hands this to stop contamination environmental with some measures like the following ones: not to burn nor to destroy plants, to control the fertilizer, not to hurl sweepings in unsuitable places, to regulate the service of urban cleanliness to create citizen conscience, to create routes of water-drainages for the industries that arrive at the seas neither rivers used for the service or consumption of the man nor animals, and to control the accidental petroleum spillings

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Passion by Soccer

The passion by soccer, a global event, is watched in the television and a quantified number pending of the radio, not having hoped whistle initial, to shout the plays that conclude in goal - sensation of happiness, satisfaction or to lament itself of which the ball happened closely together of the frame. The emotion of each person will be overflowed supporting to an equipment, giving instructions of the game, and making tactical modifications for the friends and friends, in its better house and if it is in a bar. To soccer the King of the sports denominates itself to him, is a business where the player, operates his physical conditioning and psychological. It can be sold, be interchanged, be placed it transferable or be rejected.

Fourth Anniversary of the War in Iraq

Today 19 March, 2007 are fulfilled 4 years military in Iraq. Cars pump explode diary in Bagdad. Death squads roam the streets and the kidnappings do not have brake. Product of the violence are the numbers of the dead children since the American forces invaded Iraq in March of the 2003 and overthrew to Saddam Hussein, and every more evident day the tragedy than the Iraqian town lives: more than 60,000 died civil, almost four million people turned refugees, and one incalculable number of wounded.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Blood Diamonds

After to saw the movie "Blood Diamonds" I am impressed on the subject, since to date they are still a reality.
The "Blood Diamonds" are diamonds of zones in conflict whose illegal commerce shows the abuses against the human rights. Lately conflicts have financed in Africa that have caused the death and the displacement of million people. During these conflicts, the benefits of the illegal diamond commerce that ascended to thousands of million dollars served to the military and the rebellious groups to buy arms.It is task of the governments and the industry of diamonds of guaranteeing that they do not arrive at consuming diamonds coming from zones in conflict.
If you want to know much but on this subject, press the following Link: "Conflict Diamonds"

Pork Sausage Broth

Ecuador has delicious, abundant and varied gastronomical culture. An authentic and mixed food.

I invite to them to prove the famous sausage broth, a soup with the guts of the pig, where they emphasize stuffed black sausages of rice and spices, type blood sausage, accompanied by pieces of banana. One of best Ecuadorian plates.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Exploring Language: Amy Tan's "Mother Tongue"

In the paper "Mother Tongue", by Amy Tan; she shows her struggle with the identities, not because of race but also the languages her family's spoke.
She use her life to write of the different forms of English and shows the different ways from as a human being can express in English depending on the audience and the subject to treat
.Tan state:
Language is the tool of my trade. And I use them all -- all the Englishes I grew up with.
She talks about how language influenced her life while growing up.

The problem of the bad education in Ecuador

Luis A. de Bonald at the editorial "The education loses year"publish in "El Universo" from Ecuador that the education in the country is deteriorating itself more and more, day by day.
He says:
The professional preparation of the teachers, the essential problem, follows untouched. We have forgotten that old rule the market: if you want quality, you must pay it.
He suppose that the problem is in the teachers and the educative institutions, they don’t want to lose students that are equal to say to diminish their income, they are more flexible in the educative area.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


AUTISM: a deep disorder of the development that poorly has been understood and that it severely affects the abilities of a person, especially in the development of language and social relations. The children typically with Autism in general are normal in appearance and developed well physically. Their incapacities in communication and understanding have different degrees depending on the severity with which they are affected, they can be affected by a form of mental retardation, nevertheless the characteristic more distinguishing than aid to purely distinguish them of those people with mental retardation, is the one that the Autism’s children have the appearance to be isolated of the world that surrounds them. Autism pronounced in an individual like a collection of symptoms that rarely are equal from an individual to another one. Two intellectual children with the same diagnosis, abilities and economic level of families are more probable that more by their differences than by their similarities are recognized. The continuous professional community working in the problems of Autism to classify the confusion and controversy related to the nature, causes, and method of diagnosis and treatment of the Autism. The early diagnosis is critical, the optimal age to begin intensive intervention of the behavior is before the 5 years of age and the greater success have been achieved with children whom they began between both and three years. Whereas it is certain that the best moment to begin to work with children is to a very early age, the children of more age can benefit enormously also from an intensive treatment.

Familiar Violence

The forms are innumerable the familiar violence. It can think about violence towards the greater ones, between spouses, to the children, the women, the men, etc. In addition always it is difficult to need a familiar typical scheme, because the violence can be physical or psychic, and happens in all social classes, cultures and ages. Most of the times are the adults towards one or several individuals. One is due to consider that the situation violent also suffers it that undergoes blows or humiliations, but also who gives to those same blows and humiliations.
The models of familiar organization, the cultural beliefs, the stereotypes with respect to supposed relational rolls take part on the matter, and the particular ways to mean I mistreat. The one is the state that must guard by the protection of the involved people, by means of concrete actions such as the dictation of laws and other legal norms, and the generation of educative spaces, of containment and communitarian intervention. It is possible to stand out that the repression on the part of the state to the aggressor does not solve the problem, reason why is expectable the promotion from a quick psychological attendance towards, or the aggressors whom in many cases familiar and deprived violence exerts only in private, since in other scopes they have a warm and affectionate behavior.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Global Warning

Sharon at the blog cuba28 believe the human beings are responsible for the global warming. In her post "Global Warning vs human benn"
According to Sharon, It is visible how human are causing the global warming, because , the air, the water and melting ice. Many people ask to them self. Why human is causing the global warming? It is important to know that we have time to stop the global warming, we have solution
She believe that the human beings have the future in their hands of our children and ourself, when taking care of our atmosphere

Monday, February 12, 2007

The importance of the English at world-wide level

The English language has been very important in the international communication during many years. The necessity to communicate in English has become a place common in the businesses, policy, education, medicine, trips and tourism among others and this is not going to change.

The importance of the English in the businesses exceeds to the countries that they have to the English like official language. Many great companies and multinational corporations use the English like work language. The globalization has still more intensified the importance of the English like international language. The companies depend more and more on the electronic mail and Internet, means in which the dominant language is the English.

Monday, February 5, 2007


The illicit drugs have deep repercussions in the people and the societies worldwide. With regards to the people, the drugs put in danger the health, means of subsistence and the security.
At national level, its relation with the crime can turn them cause and consequence of conflicts, weakness in the public management, and of sub development. The poor countries are particularly vulnerable and need aid since they lack the resources necessary to break the vicious circle. The worldwide dimension of the problem of drugs is equally important: the illicit drug markets do not know borders and its transnational nature locates them outside the reach of any individual government, is rich or poor.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

What is racism?

What is racism? Racism is a tragedy, but the world can find one cures against him. Racism has been described often like a disease, and is a problem for everybody. Racism is a disease of the mind and the soul. It dehumanizes to whatever it touches it.

Perhaps most difficult of all the problems that we have ahead, maybe most difficult of all the injustices of which they have existed in our environment, is the problem that implies us putting aim to that injustice that is the racial discrimination, although seems incredible.

And I wonder myself what differentiates is between an injustice and another injustice, what differentiates is between the farmer without earth and the black to which opportunity does not occur him to work. It is that the black also does not starve that does not work like the farmer who does not have earth?

Monday, January 29, 2007

Tourism in Ecuador

From a geographic point of view Ecuador it is a small country. Diversity of climatic zones, and a population of vegetal species and animals characterize it.

The traveler does not need to leave his borders to be transferred, in a matter of hours, of the tropical forest and heights of the Mountain range of the Andes.

When traveling by wonderful the natural world of Ecuador, we can follow the course of wide rivers and narrow currents, to rest in the shore of lakes, to explore mysterious caves and to admire vegetal species and unique animals.

Reduction of the Value Added TAX in Ecuador

The possibility of returning to the payment the Value Added Tax to 10%, according to the elect president, Rafael Correa, it is not approved by all. A decision as this would harm the national state treasury.

The Value Added Tax is the most representative tax of the income of the budget of the State.

The reduction will imply a loss of income for the national treasury in the order of the 400 million dollars.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Ecuador in 2007

On January 15, 2007 , Rafael Correa was sworn in as the new President of Ecuador. Like the presidents before him, he will be faced with the following challenges: The development of national agreements, the Constituent Assembly, the commercial policy with the United States, the improvement of the economic system to benefit the population, the reduction of poverty levels, the fight against corruption and a good handling of relations with the countries of the region.

One of most important challenge until now has been the development of the Constituent Assembly initiated by elect president Rafael Correa. For this development to happen, the country will have to confront a series of conflicts between the executive and legislative authorities of the country.

Hopefully there will first be a dialogue and no protest in favor or against the Assembly that finishes in lamentable confrontations. Once the assembly is approved, if that happens, the challenge will be to choose the best representatives.

In the economic area, President Correa offered for instance to lower the tax to the added value, to increase retirement funds, to eliminate interest rates on bank loans, to stimulate the microcompany, and to create more work and housing.

For these reasons, Ecuador will have a series of challenges that will be of interest to all Ecuadorians in 2007.

The Economy of Ecuador

The Ecuadorian economy has experienced in the last decade a growth average of 2.8%, although in 1999 it underwent a serious backward movement of -7%. From end of the 60, the operation of petroleum has elevated the production over the 19 million tons -85.049.000 of barrels to year and their reserves calculate in about 280 million. Petroleum represents 40% of the exports and contributes to maintain positive a trade balance.

In the agricultural sector, Ecuador is an important exporter of bananas, and cut flowers, and the eighth worldwide producer of cacao. Its production of shrimp, sugar cane is significant also, rice, cotton, maize and coffee.

The industry is concentrated in Quito and Guayaquil, and is directed mainly to the internal market.

In 2005-2006, Ecuador negotiated a Free Trade Agreement with the United States, although finally President Correa indicated that he would suspend the negotiations.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Union Civil vs Civil Marriage

First at all, what is Marriage? When people marry they tend to do for love and commitment. But marriages also are legal status and at Tennessee and Vermont were created a Union Civil to provide gay and lesbian marriage, but this is a very good step, but it’s not good enough.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My class goals for writing

One of my first goals for this class is to feel much more safe handling the English language to me.
Also, to be able to express with greater facility and confidence on diverse subjects that will be learned in the course of the semester, to be able to reach my professional goals.

But to obtain these objectives it is necessary to consider certain points:
- To be arranged to learn
- To understand the importance of the homework
- To be kind in the hours of class
- Always to practice the learned day to day
- Participation day in class.

In addition to other Specific Goals:
- Ability to make commercial presentations in English
- Negotiation in English
- Preparing and directing meetings in English
- Correspondence of businesses in English
- Vocabulary specify for the businesses accounting, insurances, marketing etc
- Analysis and text summary, information etc

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My first day in college

At my first day in Kean University, i am so exciting; because i know my new teacher Dr. Nelson and my classmates. And i am sure in this classroom i will learn how to write english correctly.