Monday, February 26, 2007

Exploring Language: Amy Tan's "Mother Tongue"

In the paper "Mother Tongue", by Amy Tan; she shows her struggle with the identities, not because of race but also the languages her family's spoke.
She use her life to write of the different forms of English and shows the different ways from as a human being can express in English depending on the audience and the subject to treat
.Tan state:
Language is the tool of my trade. And I use them all -- all the Englishes I grew up with.
She talks about how language influenced her life while growing up.

The problem of the bad education in Ecuador

Luis A. de Bonald at the editorial "The education loses year"publish in "El Universo" from Ecuador that the education in the country is deteriorating itself more and more, day by day.
He says:
The professional preparation of the teachers, the essential problem, follows untouched. We have forgotten that old rule the market: if you want quality, you must pay it.
He suppose that the problem is in the teachers and the educative institutions, they don’t want to lose students that are equal to say to diminish their income, they are more flexible in the educative area.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


AUTISM: a deep disorder of the development that poorly has been understood and that it severely affects the abilities of a person, especially in the development of language and social relations. The children typically with Autism in general are normal in appearance and developed well physically. Their incapacities in communication and understanding have different degrees depending on the severity with which they are affected, they can be affected by a form of mental retardation, nevertheless the characteristic more distinguishing than aid to purely distinguish them of those people with mental retardation, is the one that the Autism’s children have the appearance to be isolated of the world that surrounds them. Autism pronounced in an individual like a collection of symptoms that rarely are equal from an individual to another one. Two intellectual children with the same diagnosis, abilities and economic level of families are more probable that more by their differences than by their similarities are recognized. The continuous professional community working in the problems of Autism to classify the confusion and controversy related to the nature, causes, and method of diagnosis and treatment of the Autism. The early diagnosis is critical, the optimal age to begin intensive intervention of the behavior is before the 5 years of age and the greater success have been achieved with children whom they began between both and three years. Whereas it is certain that the best moment to begin to work with children is to a very early age, the children of more age can benefit enormously also from an intensive treatment.

Familiar Violence

The forms are innumerable the familiar violence. It can think about violence towards the greater ones, between spouses, to the children, the women, the men, etc. In addition always it is difficult to need a familiar typical scheme, because the violence can be physical or psychic, and happens in all social classes, cultures and ages. Most of the times are the adults towards one or several individuals. One is due to consider that the situation violent also suffers it that undergoes blows or humiliations, but also who gives to those same blows and humiliations.
The models of familiar organization, the cultural beliefs, the stereotypes with respect to supposed relational rolls take part on the matter, and the particular ways to mean I mistreat. The one is the state that must guard by the protection of the involved people, by means of concrete actions such as the dictation of laws and other legal norms, and the generation of educative spaces, of containment and communitarian intervention. It is possible to stand out that the repression on the part of the state to the aggressor does not solve the problem, reason why is expectable the promotion from a quick psychological attendance towards, or the aggressors whom in many cases familiar and deprived violence exerts only in private, since in other scopes they have a warm and affectionate behavior.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Global Warning

Sharon at the blog cuba28 believe the human beings are responsible for the global warming. In her post "Global Warning vs human benn"
According to Sharon, It is visible how human are causing the global warming, because , the air, the water and melting ice. Many people ask to them self. Why human is causing the global warming? It is important to know that we have time to stop the global warming, we have solution
She believe that the human beings have the future in their hands of our children and ourself, when taking care of our atmosphere

Monday, February 12, 2007

The importance of the English at world-wide level

The English language has been very important in the international communication during many years. The necessity to communicate in English has become a place common in the businesses, policy, education, medicine, trips and tourism among others and this is not going to change.

The importance of the English in the businesses exceeds to the countries that they have to the English like official language. Many great companies and multinational corporations use the English like work language. The globalization has still more intensified the importance of the English like international language. The companies depend more and more on the electronic mail and Internet, means in which the dominant language is the English.

Monday, February 5, 2007


The illicit drugs have deep repercussions in the people and the societies worldwide. With regards to the people, the drugs put in danger the health, means of subsistence and the security.
At national level, its relation with the crime can turn them cause and consequence of conflicts, weakness in the public management, and of sub development. The poor countries are particularly vulnerable and need aid since they lack the resources necessary to break the vicious circle. The worldwide dimension of the problem of drugs is equally important: the illicit drug markets do not know borders and its transnational nature locates them outside the reach of any individual government, is rich or poor.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

What is racism?

What is racism? Racism is a tragedy, but the world can find one cures against him. Racism has been described often like a disease, and is a problem for everybody. Racism is a disease of the mind and the soul. It dehumanizes to whatever it touches it.

Perhaps most difficult of all the problems that we have ahead, maybe most difficult of all the injustices of which they have existed in our environment, is the problem that implies us putting aim to that injustice that is the racial discrimination, although seems incredible.

And I wonder myself what differentiates is between an injustice and another injustice, what differentiates is between the farmer without earth and the black to which opportunity does not occur him to work. It is that the black also does not starve that does not work like the farmer who does not have earth?